When should I refer my child to a Speech Pathologist?

If you or anyone involved with your child (e.g. preschool, class teacher, paediatrician) are concerned that your child is not meeting any of their developmental milestones and/or is experiencing difficulty:

  • Following instructions
  • Structuring their sentences
  • Clearly articulating their words/sounds
  • Literacy
  • Independently completing school work
  • Stutter or fluency
  • Social skills/language

If you have concerns with any of the above areas, it is recommended that you contact a Speech Pathologist to discuss your concerns in more detail. Current research suggests that early intervention play an important role in enhancing a child’s opportunities, therefore the earlier the better.  We will advise you whether your concerns are age-appropriate.

How do I refer my child to Talk-Time Speech Pathology?

Please call us to make a referral where we will be able to discuss your child’s specific needs.  At this time we can discuss some of key concerns you are having and determine if we are the right service for you.

A GP referral is not necessary, however it is worthwhile discussing your concerns with your GP prior to the appointment to determine if you child is eligible for an EPC (necessary for Medicare rebates).

Can I claim through my private health fund?

Talk-Time Speech Pathology is an approved service provider through private health funds in Australia.  Please contact your health fund to discuss your specific level of cover and entitlements as it varies between each fund.

Can I claim through Medicare?

All members of Talk-Time Speech Pathology are registered with Medicare Australia.  If eligible, you will be able to claim up to 5 Speech Pathology sessions per calendar year through Medicare.  Please talk to your GP about whether your child is eligible for this care plan. You can access additional information on this at the following website: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/health-medicare-health_pro-gp-pdf-allied-cnt.htm

Is there a cancellation policy?

Families can cancel one therapy session per term and will not incur a cancellation fee. Any cancellations following this will be charged at the full therapy rate.

  1. In the event of a cancellation due to sickness, the clinician must be notified by 7 am the day of the appointment. You will be charged 50% of the session fee.
  2. Fail to attend: if you do not attend your appointment and do not let your therapist know you will not be coming, the full session rate will be charged.
  3. Consistent attendance: If you cancel more than 1 sessions in a term any subsequent cancellations will be charged at the full session fee. Your therapist will discuss with you options of how to use the time for your appointment if you need to cancel for any reason. The time can be used to contact teachers, other therapists, prepare resources for home or school, or meet with a you to discuss ongoing goals.
  4. Make-up sessions: in the event of a missed or cancelled appointment, you may be offered the option of a make-up session. This must be scheduled within a week of your regular therapy time and does not replace a subsequent appointment.